Title (Author) | Vote Status Status | Vote Count Votes | Updated |
Decred integration into Crypto-ATMs (bcashgr) | Rejected (11% approval) yes) | 12836 (31% turnout) | |
Decred Radio Advertising, 190+ FM and AM Stations, + Intl. Satellite (ftl_ian) | Rejected (31% approval) yes) | 10007 (24% turnout) | |
Decredex (limited) | Rejected (4% approval) yes) | 11464 (28% turnout) | |
Decred Contractor Clearance Process (jy-p) | Approved (96% approval) yes) | 13228 (32% turnout) | |
Premium Listing for Decred on Easyrabbit (easyrabbit) | Rejected (5% approval) yes) | 8756 (21% turnout) | |
Wachsman Communications Proposal for Decred (tomcurranlevett) | Rejected (28% approval) yes) | 13202 (32% turnout) | |
Ditto Communications Proposal for Decred (blainr) | Approved (62% approval) yes) | 21191 (52% turnout) | |
Decred Open Source Research (richard-red) | Approved (90% approval) yes) | 13141 (32% turnout) | |
Change language: PoS Mining to PoS Voting, Stakepool to Voting Service Provider (richard-red) | Approved (94% approval) yes) | 12745 (31% turnout) |